Category Archives: Microneedling

Exceed Microneedling: German Engineering Meets Advanced Skin Rejuvenation

In the dynamic world of cosmetic dermatology, Anara Medspa has introduced a groundbreaking skin rejuvenation technique that is redefining the standards of minimally invasive treatments. The Clinic proudly offers the Exceed Microneedling procedure, a state-of-the-art technique utilizing a German-made device. This article explores the Exceed Microneedling procedure, highlighting its unique features, benefits, and what patients can expect from this advanced treatment at Anara Medspa.

The Candela Exceed Device: A Blend of Precision and Versatility

The Candela Exceed device, a marvel of German engineering, is at the heart of the Exceed Microneedling procedure. It is recognized as the first dual-indicated, FDA-cleared medical microneedling system, designed for the effective treatment of both facial wrinkles and facial acne scars. This distinction underscores the device’s versatility and its ability to deliver tailored treatments based on individual skin concerns.

Enhanced Treatment Versatility

The Candela Exceed device’s dual indication for both facial wrinkle reduction and acne scar treatment makes it a versatile tool in cosmetic dermatology. It caters to a broad range of skin concerns, offering patients a comprehensive solution for skin rejuvenation.

Mechanism of Action

The Exceed Microneedling procedure, performed with the Candela device, involves creating controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing response, leading to increased collagen and elastin production. The result is a significant improvement in skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance.

Benefits of Exceed Microneedling at Anara Medspa

  1. Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: The procedure smoothens fine lines and wrinkles, offering a youthful complexion.
  2. Improved Skin Texture and Tone: In combination with specific topical serums, it addresses issues like hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone, resulting in a more even and radiant skin texture.
  3. Effective Scar Treatment: Particularly adept at reducing the appearance of acne scars, the treatment helps in achieving improved appearance of acne scars.
  4. Minimal Downtime: As a minimally invasive procedure, it allows for quick recovery, making it ideal for those with busy lifestyles.
  5. Suitability for Various Skin Types: The Exceed Microneedling procedure can be safely performed on different skin types, broadening its applicability.
  6. Number of sessions: Based on the conditions being addressed a series of sessions are performed every 4-6 weeks to get the desired improvement.

The Exceed Microneedling Procedure at Anara Medspa

Before the Treatment

Consultation with Anara Medspa’s skincare professionals is crucial to tailor the treatment to individual skin types and concerns. They provide expert guidance on how to prepare for the procedure.

During the Treatment

  1. Cleansing: The skin is cleansed to remove impurities.
  2. Numbing Cream Application: To ensure comfort, a numbing cream may be applied.
  3. Optional Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas): To make the treatment even more comfortable Anara also offers laughing gas for just a nominal additional fee.
  4. Microneedling: The Candela Exceed device is used to perform the microneedling, creating micro-injuries.
  5. Post-Treatment Care: Soothing serums or creams are applied to aid in the healing process.

After the Treatment

Post-treatment, patients may experience mild redness and swelling, which typically resolves quickly. Anara Medspa provides comprehensive post-care instructions to ensure optimal healing and results.

In Summary, Exceed Microneedling at Anara Medspa, powered by the German-made Candela Exceed device, represents a significant advancement in non-invasive skin rejuvenation. Its dual FDA indications for treating facial wrinkles and acne scars, coupled with minimal downtime, makes it an attractive option for those seeking effective and versatile skin treatments. By choosing Anara Medspa for the Exceed Microneedling procedure, patients can expect personalized care and impressive results, harnessing the best of German engineering and dermatological expertise.

Micropeels, Permanent Laser Hair Reduction in NJ | Anara Medspa

Micropeels, Microdermabrasions and chemical peels

Micropeels, Permanent Laser Hair Reduction in NJ | Anara Medspa

Micropeels, that combines microdermabrasion and light chemical peel is one of the most popular services we have been offering for many years. With controlled exfoliation using Parisian Peel Medical Microdermabrasion, we have been able to provide excellent results for all skin types.

Micropeels are great for everyone (including teens, adults and seniors) except for those with extremely sensitive skin. This procedure helps even out the skin tone, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, remove sun damage, and stimulate collagen, giving overall improvement in the health and vitality of your skin, all with minimal to no downtime.

As we age the dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, giving that dull appearance to the face that lacks glow and brilliance. This is the result of less exfoliation and slow renewal of the outer layer of skin. One of the best ways to encourage the body to produce newer and younger cells and stimulate the collagen is mechanical and chemical exfoliation. With Micropeel, Medical Microdermabrasion and light chemical peels are done at the same time, followed by application of proprietary soothing medical grade serums, so you get the best of everything. This can often be done as a lunch time procedure very often producing instant glow. We call it: A facial with results! There is minimal to no down time. You don’t need to take time off from work or school, and you will look your million dollar! Regular exfoliation with these methods will eventually give you a firmer youthful looking skin and won’t sag from gravity, as there is constant laying of collagen and elastin.  And it won’t cost you a fortune.