PRP Male Enhancement IN NJ
What is the PRP Male Enhancement or PRP Treatment for male sexual dysfunction?
The PRP Male Enhancement in NJ is a safe, non-surgical sexual rejuvenation procedure for men that introduces Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) through a painless injection into the penis to stimulate increased blood flow, firmness, sensation and possibly even length and girth. This is a revolutionary treatment for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) that increases a patient’s ability to achieve and maintain a full, strong erection, which improves sexual satisfaction for both the patient and his partner.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?
PRP, obtained through a painless blood draw, is a concentrated source of platelets, growth factors and cytokines found naturally in your own body, and stimulates and controls healthy regenerative processes, including collagen and soft tissue remodeling, and improves overall health and rejuvenation. PRP has been used successfully for years in surgical, orthopedic and non-surgical procedures to promote improved healing times and optimal results from various procedures. Our body produces new platelets regularly since an average lifespan of circulating platelets in 8-9 days. They are produced in the bone marrow from precursors called megakaryocytes. Since only a small amount blood is drawn to obtain PRP, and since our bone marrow produces them daily, this procedure will not affect your platelet count or bodily function.
How does the PRP Male Enhancement work?
Once the PRP has been isolated from the blood using a FDA-approved system, it is injected strategically into the areas of the penis that are most important for the increased blood flow and sexual response. Prior to any injection, these areas are numbed using a medical-grade local anesthetic, which makes this procedure very tolerable. In fact, our patients report minimal to no discomfort during this quick five-minute treatment.
Why does Erectile Dysfunction happen?
If you are experiencing mild to severe ED, don’t worry – you are not alone. According to a study from the Cleveland Clinic, as many as 52 percent of men experience erectile dysfunction treatment nj, with it affecting 40 percent of men age 40 and 70 percent of men age 70. Many men derive their “manliness” from superior sexual function and, therefore, ED issues can lead to significant self-esteem issues, decreased physical and emotional well-being and a diminished overall quality of life.
Although it is possible that ED issues are related to relationship struggles or an underlying mental health condition (e.g., depression, anxiety, etc.), it is much more likely that the cause is physiological in nature. Physiological factors that can contribute to ED include blood flow issues related to vascular disease, heart disease or diabetes, neurological complications from stroke, trauma or surgery or simply age-related deterioration of healthy tissue function (e.g., skin, muscles, blood vessels, etc.). Dr. Chandra will recommend that you undergo a full medical evaluation by your primary care physician and/or urologist prior to receiving the PRP Male Enhancement at Anara Medspa & Cosmetic Laser Center, so that other associated causes can be identified and ruled out.
It is possible that Erectile Dysfunction could be caused by Peyronie’s Disease. Please remember – it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable speaking with your doctor about ED issues. Dr. Chandra’s primary goal is to help alleviate your anxiety and provide a viable solution to the sexual issues you may be experiencing in a safe, private and comfortable environment.
What can the PRP Male Enhancement in New Jersey do for you?
This treatment is designed to improve sexual function, not increase penile size. While this is a possible effect of treatment, patients should NOT seek out the PRP Male Enhancement solely for this result
Although each man’s experience may differ in some ways, after PRP Male Enhancement in New Jersey, MOST men report:
- An increase in penile blood flow and circulation
- An increase in sexual sensation and pleasure
- A stronger erection and overall firmness
- An improvement in sexual ability and “stamina”
- An improvement in urinary incontinence and prostate issues
- A reduction or removal of plaque buildup related to Peyronie’s Disease
- Reduced symptoms related to lichen sclerosus
- Possible enhanced length, girth and appearance (in about 50% of cases)
Why should I come to Anara Medspa for the PRP Male Enhancement?
Dr. Chandra has been trained and certified in PRP Male Enhancement and fully understands the science which drives the amazing results of this treatment. In New Jersey, only a licensed physician who has been certified in this treatment is legally allowed to provide it to his or her patients.
Dr. Chandra is also trained in administering relevant nerve-blocks and anesthetics via injection, which allows him to make this procedure virtually painless. During your comprehensive evaluation, Dr. Chandra will evaluate your medical and sexual history to identify the root cause(s) of your issue and develop a customized treatment that is right for you, and when necessary ask you to get evaluated by your primary care physician and/or urologist.
Does the PRP Male Enhancement hurt?
The most challenging part of the PRP Male Enhancement, aside from making the decision to reach out for help, is believing that an injection into your penis will not hurt. We assure you that this is a quick, safe and virtually painless procedure. Although most men report that they do not even feel the injection, some patients may experience a slight pinch or pressure sensation, which quickly dissipates within two to three minutes. After treatment, you can immediately resume normal physical and sexual activity.
When will I see results from the PRP Male Enhancement in NJ?
In certain cases, men will see an immediate increase in sexual function, desire and overall pleasure. In others, results may not peak until several months after treatment. The results typically last an average of 1-3 years after only one treatment. Some patients may require a second treatment 6 to 12 month after their initial injection in order to achieve optimal results.
Is the PRP Male Enhancement in NJ safe?
Absolutely! The PRP Male Enhancement in NJ is a safe and effective procedure when performed at Anara Medspa by Dr. Chandra. It can only be offered at a practice that has been educated, trained and certified. PRP specifically has been described in over 20,000 published studies as a safe and effective treatment with no reported inherent complications, with more than 9000 citations on PubMed.
Is the PRP Male Enhancement covered by insurance?
Unfortunately, the PRP Male Enhancement is an elective procedure and is not covered by insurance.
- These statements have not been verified by Food and Drug Administration
- Individual results may vary. Currently PRP treatments are considered off-label indications.